Thursday, 23 May 2019

Witchcraft Spells and Runes

Kevin Chesham with David Farrant at Highgate Cemetery in 2013.

It began with curses, spells and witchcraft when David Farrant issued black magic threats as far back as 1970. Some of these, of course, resulted in him being found guilty at London's Old Bailey and given a not insignificant prison sentence. May years later he cast his spell over Kevin Chesham and together they contrive to curse me and anyone sympathetic toward me. A piece of nonsense arrived through my door, landing on the floor inside my porch, that was posted via Gatwick by Chesham.

Folded open at a page subtitled "Good News For Anyone Who's Tried Magick And Failed" with "Magick" spelt in Aleister Crowley's peculiar fashion, the envelope was addressed in Chesham's familiar capital letters which appear in identical form on many envelopes sent by him to people. 

The absymal failure of the Faustian Circle with its proclamation of "National Gnosticism and Social Darwinism" in the context of an "Occult-Fascist" synthesis has witnessed the Kerry Bolton-influenced Chesham move further in the direction of Crowley's brand of "magick." Farrant was very jittery around anything as ideologically extreme as Chesham's politics, especially in the wake of his own disastrous attempt to stand as a "Wicca Workers Party" candidate at the 1978 General Election.

On his election leaflets and posters, he made the mistake of adopting beneath his eagles Odal runes, also used by the Third Reich as well as present-day Neo-Nazis, plus a slogan above these symbols which had only been used previously by Fascists, especially the umbrella movement, the NSWPUK.

I don't believe it was a coincidence that David Farrant launched his WWP in the year when I exposed the existence of a League of Imperial Fascists/Column 88 cell in a North London suburb. His modus operandi was to jump on bandwagons in a manner that takes everything in the wrong direction. He had also been complicit in colluding with an alcoholic tabloid journalist to produce a spoiler after I had begun a series of commissioned articles about the Neo-Nazi cell, which interviewed its leader.

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I live on the Dorset coast, England, while also retaining an ecclesial base in Glastonbury. I do not support any political party, ...