Tuesday 14 May 2019

When the Eye is Evil, the Body is Full of Darkness.

Kevin Chesham shaking my hand at Glastonbury in June 1993.

Allegations ghost-written by Beverley Mason (aka "Raggety") with Kevin Chesham's full approval and collaboration, begin when he first started blogging: "A cursory glance at the ‘About Kev’ section of this blog  reveals that Kev has led quite an extraordinary life." Is that really true? The Oxford Dictionary defines "extraordinary" as meaning "very unusual or remarkable." Has Chesham's life been very unusual and/or remarkable? Compared with others, I would say not. In one sense, of course, everyone's life is remarkable, but that is not what is meant when the term is attributed to an individual who worked most of his life for local borough pool establishments and leisure complexes when not exercising in various ways for his own pleasure. The only aspect I find truly extraordinary is Chesham's capacity to bear false witness against someone he had known, on and off, for a great many years whom he allowed to play host to him and his wife before colluding in a  hate campaign with sinister individuals indubitably on the dark side. This, I confess, I find quite extraordinary. 

Next we are told: "Kev offers up to the reader an unselfconscious portrait of not only his physical, but his spiritual development as he looks back over the trials and tribulations which made him who he is today." I feel we have touched on his physical accomplishments enough, ie how he seemingly miraculously ballooned into a hulk eating forty eggs and half a dozen chickens per day from what was previously a slight figure, and reverted back again to being the runt of the litter. But what is this about his "spiritual development"? He has called himself a Buddhist for as long as I have known him. Calling yourself a Buddhist and being a Buddhist, however, are two different things. In my experience, Chesham knows next to nothing about Buddhism, does not practice its philosophy, which advocates spiritual contemplation for the attainment of perfect peace, and has never been known to meditate. The Buddha discouraged his followers from indulging in disputation for its own sake, which is fruitless. What is Chesham engaging in but a fruitless disputation? How does his transformation into someone who turned on his friends to attempt to place them in danger equate with karmic law? He could be a masochist, of course, but this is not Buddhism. It has been suggested by at least two people who have known him that he is a masochist, and that this flawed side of his character explains why he likes to turn people against him, eg I don't know of a single person with whom we were mutually acquainted back in the 1970s onward who now wants anything whatsoever to do with him. 

We then read: "He decided that he would like to preview one of the most perplexing situations that he felt should be put into print. It describes the formation and dissolution of a friendship of nearly 40 years, and how Kev came to the conclusion that his ultimate loyalty must needs be to his own conscience – despite the attempts of others to silence him." The friendship, such as it was, had lasted thirty-three years when Chesham behaved, by any standard, in a completely unacceptable manner. We became increasingly wary of his suspicious behaviour. Soon aftewards he was found to be openly consorting and collaborating with those antipathetic toward me, which led to him trying to cause as much damage as possible and to put my wife and I in personal danger. Yet the only person he has really harmed is himself. Quite what attempts have been made to "silence" him are neither known or identified. It simply did not happen. Was Chesham "silenced"? No, of course, not. He did exactly what he wanted in an attempt to be noticed and achieve his fifteen minutes of treacherous infamy.

Chesham is next quoted as saying: "He was certainly irritable, and I remember him saying that he could not wait to get out of the place, as he despised Glastonbury, and considered it to be overrun with ‘quasi-religious fakes’. The irony was lost on me at the time – it is not now.  His only concern was to get the photos taken ‘for the record’, and get back to Dorset as soon as possible – in fact he ruined what could have been a pleasant day out." It would have been difficult to "get back to Dorset" because the only only occasion we visited Glastonbury with Chesham and his wife was in June 1993, which was at a time we were living on the outskirts of north London, approximately one hundred and twenty miles from Dorset! As my wife and I noted, Kevin Chesham was incredibly irritable throughout the visit and wanted to leave early when we suggested taking him to the High Street where St John's Church is situated. It was perfectly obvious to us that he hated the place, which in view of what we now know does not surprise us. Though we rightly or wrongly attributed his extreme irritability to steroid use for body-building purposes, upon reflection it might be the fact that Glastonbury is the most sacred and spiritual place in Great Britain. Chesham, on the other hand, is one of the least spiritual people we have ever encouneterd. He is materialistic in the extreme.

From this point the allegations made by Chehsam via his wife become even more preposterous and sinister. To go through each and every one of them would be tedious in the extreme, but, contrary to their claims, I have not been "sacked" from anywhere; I was not told by police to desist from taking photographs in Holloway Road, and Chesham did not find me employment. These and the increasingly absurd claims that follow are an absolute tissue of lies which Kevin Chesham and Beverley Mason no doubt find humurous to share with others, but more reflect them. When we read Chesham quoted as saying "If I was not training hard enough he used to shout 'Schnell, schnell ...dummkopfen English, eggs and bacon Englishman,' and when he really got angry...'You vill be shot at dawn'," we start to see an outside influence. What Chehsam overlooks is that others were present and they saw and heard nothing vaguely similar to what is now being claimed. What I find truly extraordinary is that anyone would take any of this asininity seriously. Needless to say, I was not a team coach, as claimed. I partook in running as a personal quest to keep fit. There was no coach.

Employing the most grotesque form of hypocrisy, Beverley Mason states: "Kev also hopes however that some readers may choose to make a donation to a charity of his choice, Unite Against Fascism or Sport Relief." I bet he does, whilst effectively inciting unprovoked and completely unjustified hatred against me from the aforementioned UAF who hitherto, of course, would be totally unaware of Kevin Chesham's self-proclaimed BNP membership and hero-worship of the the pre-war British Union of Fascists and its leader, Oswald Mosley, about whom he sent numerous people, myself included, biographical eulogies in print. Needless to say, the UAF saw through this stratagem. Nobody likes to be used. Kevin Chesham's enemies have multiplied to such a volume he now lives in Dubai.

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I live on the Dorset coast, England, while also retaining an ecclesial base in Glastonbury. I do not support any political party, ...